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Avoid Conflict and Confrontation with the

Face Covering Exempt Lanyard

HM Government has said that "some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering" and with that in mind we created this lanyard.  


If you would like a lanyard please tick the lanyard box at the end of the application form when applying for a new National Disability Card or National Carers Card. This is a self-certification process and no extra evidence is required. The lanyard and rigid card holder cost £5.


Below are the UK Government Guidelines on who is exempt from wearing face coverings:

What's on the Face Covering Exempt Lanyard?


I understand why National Disability Cardholders may need them but why are you offering them to Carers?

In line with government guidance updated on 23rd July 2020 you are exempt “if you are travelling with or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading to communicate”.


So we are conscious of the need to offer this lanyard to Carers who need them.

don't have a National Disability Card or National Carers Card. Can I still apply for a lanyard?

No. These lanyards are exclusively for our cardholders.

I am already a cardholder can I apply for a lanyard?

Yes please apply here.

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